What is Value Innovation (VIW)? What Does It Drive?
Delivering Exceptional Value to the Most Important Customer in the Value Chain...all the time!...every time! Used on a consistent basis, it drives sustainable, profitable growth and creates jobs. American Vanguard (AmVac) uses our 10-Step Value Innovation Process™, to delight their Most Important Customers. Dick Lee and his concept of Value Innovation Works.
Dick is a Fulbright Scholar and a member of the Fulbright Academy. He is the Co-Chair to their worldwide Entrepreneurs Group and the creator of the VIW concept. Dick has an extensive business background. Presenting the Value Innovation Concept is Mike Franchell, the founder and executive Director of the Community Based Business Incubator Center, Inc.™ Dr. Richard Lee- Value Innovation web site is: http://www.valueinnovations.com Value Innovation Works picks up where the innovation guru’s books leave off. This book gives the innovation practitioner a 10-Step Value Innovation Process roadmap with a rich enabling toolbox to get right down to work on innovation. Value Innovation Works provides wonderful examples of these tools in action and an amazing array of very practical insights. I've used the Value Innovation Process and it Works, very well! Follow it and you'll be able to move mountains.
See Value Innovation in action:
http://amvac-chemical.com/CorporateVideo/ValueInnovation/tabid/167/Default.aspx Workshops:
Mike Franchell holds VIM Workshops. you might be interested in attending a scheduled workshop or you might want a wokrshop for your business or network. Mike Franchell's VIW Scheduled Workshops: